FAQs for Keke and Her Friends

Keke and her friends have questions, and we know you might have some too. Keke and her mom shared some questions and the answers they discussed as a family.

Why do we need to wear masks?

Many people are getting sick, and we want to make sure we don’t get other people’s germs or give them our germs.

But where did the germs come from?

Some people were sick and made other people sick, and then many, many people got sick. We call it a pandemic.

Will I always have to wear a mask?

We don’t know, but a lot of doctors are working on keeping us healthy and safe so we won’t need masks.

Why doesn’t Clyde wear a mask? We don’t want Clyde to get sick. I’ll put a mask on Clyde to protect him.

Dogs can’t get the same germs as people. The virus has a special name: COVID-19.

Why do I have to sing “Happy Birthday” when I wash my hands? I only sing “Happy Birthday” for someone’s birthday.

Singing “Happy Birthday” tells you how long you need to wash your hands. You can also count to 20. Washing your hands is important because it helps keep the germs away.

Can I play with my friends?

You can have play dates with your friends outside in the fresh air if your parents think it is okay.

Can I have a tea party with my friends?

You can have a tea party outside. But don’t drink from the same cup.

My grandma had to go to the doctor and get a shot so she won’t get sick. I thought you should go to the doctor when you are sick.

Doctors and nurses keep us healthy. Sometimes we see them when we are sick, and other times, we see them when we are well and don’t want to get sick.

What is a vaccination?

A vaccination is a special kind of shot. It helps us not get sick from the COVID germs.

My brother is 12, and he can give Super-Strong Double Hugs to grandma. Why can’t I hug grandma?

Your brother had a vaccination. Right now, you have to be at least 12 years old to get the vaccination. People are working hard so children our age can also get the vaccination.

Does the special shot hurt?

It feels like a pinch and only hurts a little bit. You have gotten many shots at the doctor’s office.

I want to go back to school, but I don’t want to get sick.

The teachers and parents will make sure the school is safe.

Will my teachers recognize me when I go back to school?

Your teacher will recognize you from all the other special things about you that she can see, like the color of your hair and eyes.

I love to go to the science museum. Can I go to the museum?

When it is safe, you can go to the museum, but you will need to wear a mask. Until then, you can see the museum online and watch some of your favorite exhibits from home. There might be a puppet show. You might be able to see the animals or watch the chicks hatch.